Welcome to The Pest Posse Resources section, a curated list of the tools and websites we strongly recommend for building and optimizing your business. We have tested every recommendation on this page. Many of the resources listed here we have found crucial to keeping up to date in the pest control industry.

Remember the more knowledge you gather, the more professional you will appear, and the more confidence your customers will have with you.

Reference Guide for Insects & Materials

We at The Pest Posse have developed a great Reference Guide for Insects and Materials. It has been developed from our years of experience and from input of fellow pest management professionals.

EPA Product and Label Information System

The United States Environmental Protection Agency Pesticide Product and Label System is a resource to make sure that the labels you are using are current and update.

Bird Control Survey Checklist

Bird-X has provided a great bird control survey checklist that is a must for any bird control job.

Turkistan Cockroaches

Here is a good white paper about Turkistan cockroaches from the University of Riverside.

Have questions? Please Contact Us if you would like to learn more.